Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Been busy

Hello friends,

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've updated this site. Lately, I've been quite occupied with work and have been trying to get my life back together. In the last two weeks, I've gotten quite a bit of work done and have been working quite consistently. I've been going to my office at around 9 o'clock and not leaving until 5 o'clock. Yeah, I know that a lot of you spend 8 hours(or more) a day at the office and that it's not a big deal, but it's quite a change for me. Unfortunately, not too many people go to the office at 9:00pm and leave the office at 5:00am. The shitty thing is that the air conditioning in my building shuts off at around 7:20pm. Fortunately, an uncle of mine was generous enough to give me a fan, which helps a lot more than I expected, and of course, it's slightly cooler at night than in the daytime.

I'm trying to get a few things done before I leave town for 2-3 weeks. Once again, I will be a volunteer for the China Synergy Program for Outstanding Youth, of which I was a delegate a few years ago. When I come back to Hong Kong, I'll hit the ground running, and hope to maintain this momentum for the next 3 years.

I still have a couple dozen half-written blog entries saved up and hope to publish them soon. I really haven't had the mental energy to write new entries, and I feel like I'm letting myself down. It was really fun to update this blog, and though I can't say that updating this blog came at the expense of my work, the fact is that I have some serious catching up to do (for my work, that is). That means that my blog will come at expense of my work. Damn.


At 5:06 p.m., Blogger Triple D said...

IT has been a while since your last post cousin, but keep it up. We are still reading out here in cyberspace.


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