Friday, May 12, 2006

Flossing my teeth before I sleep and checking email and as soon as I wake up

It turns out that I'm a creature of habit, and I have some habits that I wouldn't consider unhealthy, but any disruption to my routine can really mess me up.

For one, I absolutely must floss my teeth before I go to bed. If I don't floss my teeth, I cannot fall asleep. I once made the mistake of not keeping extra dental floss in the house, and when I ran out, I discovered that I couldn't sleep that night. Another time, I made the mistake of not packing some dental floss when I went on vacation, so I had to resort to using toothpicks, which don't do the job, that first night before buying some extremely expensive floss the day after. These days, I always keep at least a year's supply of dental floss with me.

Another habit I have is I absolutely must check my email as soon as I wake up. Before I go to the bathroom to release my bodily fluids, I switch my computer on, and as soon as I come back, I log on and check my email. I don't necessarily have to reply to any of them, and I don't even have to read any of them - sadly, they're mostly news alerts. I just want to see if any of my friends and family members have written to me. Anyway, I've discovered that I can't do anything until I've checked my email. If there are problems with my internet connection or with my email server, if my computer isn't working, I won't be able to concentrate on anything until I've sorted out my email. I can't fully concentrate on reading a book or writing a paper. And if I have to rush out before I can check my email, I'll think about my email all day, wondering if my mom sent me anything, or if my friends have replied to me. Wow, more and more, I feel that I'm a very lonely person. I absolutely hate being alone, and the irony is that all these years, I've been doing exercise that I can do alone (cycling, hiking, etc.), I've been moving from city to city all on my own - it seems as though I'm trying to become a recluse. But I guess this blog entry isn't supposed to be about my loneliness.

Another stupid habit I have is that I end up putting off haircuts - I just feel that getting a haircut is kind of expensive - until a big date, a job interview, etc. So I often get a haircut the day before or the day of a big date, a job interview, etc. As we all know, haircuts seldom look good in the first few days after you get one. It may look good at the barber shop/hairdresser's, but as soon as I go home to wash it, I realise that it's too short, too thin, a bit uneven, and rarely the way I want it, and it takes a few days to grow into something that looks and feels decent. History always repeats itself. I got a haircut on the very day of the Graduate House High Table Dinner last November, a haircut that was a bit too short and a bit too thin. There will be another one tonight, and guess what - I got a haircut yesterday, a haircut that looks equally bad.

UPDATE: Here's a picture of my haircut, taken yesterday. I bumped into a friend, and she happened to have a camera handy, so she just had to snap a shot of me and my crap haircut. AND I didn't shave that day. AND I was so sweaty earlier that day. AND I only got about 3 hrs of sleep the night before. AND I gained 5 lbs in a week. That sweetheart there is Kelly, a CSP buddy, and the lucky lucky guy is Kelly's boyfriend.


At 2:39 a.m., Blogger Cosmic Ocean said...

Join the club. Ever since I graduated from undergrad, I've lived a transient life. At least your friends e-mail you to get in touch. You can also use Frienster or Hi5 to keep the overseas network going too.

At 9:30 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things were even worse when I moved to Vancouver -- long-distance calls were expensive, email was not available, and people were so busy to write back when they started their first jobs. It's like the world had abandoned you. Nowadays, your boss & friends can reach you anywhere with tri-band phone and internet. You can't be a recluse even if you want to.


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