Sunday, September 25, 2005

Arrogant Taiwanese bitch reporter

Check out what I read on this past Friday's Taipei Times:

"....meanwhile, musically conservative pop songs imported from China, such as "Mouse Loves Grains" (老鼠愛大米), have curiously become big hits in Taiwan. Aiming at the unexplored market for China's pop music, a local record company has remixed the top 10 online songs in China and grouped them for an album called "The Songs We Love" (我們愛的歌). Professionals in the industry have hailed the move as a new pattern for cross-strait musical exchanges, but local pop music lovers should worry that the influx of outdated melodies and lyrics will set the local music industry back 50 years."

Can you believe this arrogance?? Outdated melodies and lyrics? How cutting-edge can pop music be? I dare ANYONE to listen to any pop music from China and from Taiwan and tell me the difference. It's not a Coca Cola and Pepsi taste test (I can tell the bloody difference); I'm telling you, there's NO difference!

If Taiwan ever wants China to play nice when it comes to cross-Strait relations, making such insults isn't the way to do it. I encountered a lot of this kind of arrogance while living in Taiwan, which is one of the main reasons why I couldn't grow to love the place or the people.


At 7:58 p.m., Blogger krazykrankyken said...

On the other hand, I HATE that song, "Mice Likes Rice". SO STUPID! And EVERYBODY sings it on the streets! And it's BLARING over the speakers in SO MANY STORES!

At 12:03 p.m., Blogger Cosmic Ocean said...

I've listened to Chinese pop on the radio, and it's too bland for me, if the tune isn't ripped off from another song.

If it's mindless, mass-market-driven, musical product that I have to listen to, then J-pop carries the most tune.

At 7:50 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Chinese foreign policy is influenced by music reviews in the Taipei Times, our planet is in big trouble... :-P


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