Sunday, September 04, 2005

My clothes hangers dilemma

There is still so much stuff I have to buy! I bought the most important necessity, toilet paper, but I do not dare spend on anything else. I find things to be quite expensive in Hong Kong, especially after living in Beijing. Actually, things aren't that expensive here compared to Canada, but I really can't bring myself to buy something that is exactly the same as in China (and in some cases, inferior to the stuff in China) but that costs double, triple, or even more here! Let's take laundry detergent, for example. The last time I was up there, I bought a 600 gram bag of Tide, which is pretty premium stuff, for 4.2 yuan. Down here, the no-name variety costs about $40 HKD a kilogram! Sigh.. Oh, and in case you don't know, the yuan and the HKD are worth more or less the same: $1 CAD = $6.5 HKD, and $1 CAD = 6.8 yuan.

There's a lot of stuff I still needs, such as a coffee mug, foot towel, paperclips, book ends, and clothes hangers. As for clothes hangers, they're not that expensive, but I just can't bring myself to pay $10 HKD for 5 plastic hangers. I've found some for $8 HKD, but I STILL don't want to pay up. It's not that they're that much cheaper in Beijing, but the thing is that I bought 20 hangers in Beijing and I find it silly that I have to buy them again a mere year later.
I just realised that this is the fourth time I've moved in the past five years. In each of my two stints in Taipei and my year in Beijing, I had to start from scratch and buy bedsheets, pillows, coffee mugs, kitchen utensils, etc. Unfortunately, I never had room in my suitcases to bring this stuff back, and therefore had to buy this stuff again the next time I moved. Every time I move, I find it painful to buy something I just bought the year before. It makes it harder when I realise that I have most of this stuff in Canada too.

Back to clothes hangers. Despite passing shops that sell clothes hangers on a daily basis, I've still resisted the temptation to buy them. I've told my friends in Hong Kong about my predicament, and one has agreed to help out. Agnes has a friend who works in a clothing shop that has recently switched from plastic clothes hangers to wooden ones. She has agreed to help me obtain about twenty clothes hangers, but I'll have to go to Yuen Long to get them. For those of you who don't know Hong Kong, HKU is at the southern extreme of Hong Kong, while Yuen Long is at the northern extreme of the New Territories. It costs approximately $50 HKD for me to get there and back, all to get about $40 HKD worth of clothes hangers. What's next? Will I spend $2000 HKD on airfare to Beijing to save a few dozen dollars on laundry detergent?


At 7:36 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh, u r going to Yuen Long just for clothes hangers??!!

At 9:02 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about the coat hangers Ken. My moving around left me with the opposite problem: too many! But Montreal has a lovely tradition of leaving surplus stuff out front of your apartment. Amazing what you can find sometimes..

At 9:58 p.m., Blogger Helen Law said...

Ken, I ve some handme down hangers! Will deliver them some time this week?

At 1:12 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would like to send you a care package..... liquid or powder clothes detergent. Fabric softner??

Ken glad to say I'm a proud father now... Cameron Arthur... born 05/05/05 9.7oz He is now 1 day shy of 4 months old...17lbs (gulp)

Life has changed..... sold the lowered 1972VW/porsche van, bought the used Volvo wagon... Don't get me wrong I'm loving fatherhood, just feeling kinda old.
I keep running into Hugh Boyd graduates from 1998/99....

What's the price of gas over there. This morning here in Coquitlam, it was 117.10/litre....


At 4:56 p.m., Blogger Cosmic Ocean said...

Usually department stores leave a large pile of empty hangers somewhere. All you have to do is make a fake employee nametag and it's easy pickins!!

I wanted to use the same ploy to get a nice big cutout of Rei Kikugawa from a Japanese cell phone shop. Social engineering, my friend.

At 5:39 p.m., Blogger krazykrankyken said...

Anon: No, I'm not going to Yuen Long just for clothes hangers - I want to see Hong Kong farmland, to see if there's such thing!

Simon: I left a lot of surplus stuff at my apartment in Beijing and Taipei too.

Helen: Thanks for the offer. Can I cherry-pick?

Ian: Congrats on the little bambino! I'll email you.

Courtney: As much as I'd like to buy wooden hangers, I can't justify the cost, nice hangers don't match my crappy dorm, and most importantly, I can't bear to part with them when I get out of here

Vince: Hahaha, I love your suggestion the most!

At 2:15 a.m., Blogger Triple D said...

a bit old

At 2:15 a.m., Blogger Triple D said...

do some dry cleaning and use the free hangers they give out... or do they give em out in hk?


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