Friday, September 23, 2005

It sucks to be born in 79

Perhaps I was born a year too early. It turns out that by enrolling in HKU this year, I've been screwed out of two things: an extra $500 HKD a month and a student "Octopus card".

Many, if not most (if not all) postgraduate students receive a generous "studentship" of $12,500 HKD a month. To be honest, the prospect of receiving $2000 CAD a month was one of the biggest draws of enrolling at HKU, and why I didn't bother applying for any Canadian universities (I didn't feel like living in the US, and as for Singapore, I don't think I can survive the 12 months of summer. Besides, I hear the scholarships offered to international students is usually less than half as much). Anyway, I've just discovered that the postgraduate studentship was worth $13,000 HKD a month last year, and $14,000 HKD a month three years ago. At this rate, there's a chance I may receive only $11,000 in my final year. I shouldn't complain. Getting $75 CAD less per month isn't going to kill me, and besides, the $12,500 HKD I pocket is more than what the vast majority of Hong Kong people earns.

What is an "Octopus card"? The Octopus is an electronic stored value card that eliminates the need to fumble for change when riding public transportation, buying meals at McDonalds and other fast food joints, and even buying things at convenience stores like 7-11. These cards are cool because you don't have to put them through any slots or even take them out of your purse/wallet - all you have to do is put your purse/wallet against the Octopus reader, then "doot", you've paid! Singapore, Taipei, and even Shanghai use similar cards now, but Hong Kong had it first.

In short, Octopus is GREAT! Well.. what's not great about it is that because you don't have to deal with cash anymore, you don't really get a sense of what you're spending, and can end up pissing a lot of money and not even know it.

Riding the MTR (subway) isn't that cheap in Hong Kong (when compared to Asian cities outside of Japan and Korea), especially if you cross Victoria Harbour. Fortunately for students, there is a student Octopus card that entitles users to a 50% discount on MTR fares. Unfortunately for me, I don't qualify for the student Octopus. Why? According to MTR and Octopus Cards Ltd. policy, students born before 1980 do not qualify. Why? I have no bloody clue.

Hey law students, lawyers, and judge(s), can I sue? Isn't this unfair? Isn't this considered age discrimination? Or are these corporations allowed to bargain and set such conditions? In any case, I'm PISSED!


At 4:38 a.m., Blogger Cosmic Ocean said...

Probably just another dumb arbitrary policy. Big White Guy ( is a good HK blog that reveals a lot of those stupid policies.

Anyway, I just get too lazy and don't even bother taking my wallet out, let alone my Octopus card. Just a quick hope and press my ass against the sensor. So what if I look like an ass (no pun intended)? HK's population is big and I'm never going to see any of these people again.

At 4:39 a.m., Blogger Cosmic Ocean said...

Oops, I mean "hop", not "hope". I lost all hope.

This damn thing isn't good at letting you fix typos, is it?

At 5:29 a.m., Blogger Wabisabi said...

Hi, I won't be going to Beijing after all, for various reasons that are beyond my control. I could write about it in a private mail if you want (which I am sure you don't.)
I will, however, go to HK and settle down there in Nov, take the Japanese exam in Dec, the Mandarin one in spring, and the German one in summer, and apply for a Master's Degree in translation meanwhile. My blog is here: and if you need help linking it, or indeed changing your template to make your blog pretty, I think I am CSS- and XML-literate enough to do so. Just let me know what you want it to look like.
The entire domain is banned in China, and I was told that if you get your own domain name and have it hosted overseas, then it should be okay. But then I was just told that my domain name ( doesn't work anymore in China anymore, and my guess is that it probably had something to do wtih a NYT article by Thomas Friedman that I translated. Anyway, let me know if you need help setting up your own domain name and have your blog uploaded there by FTP.

Let's try to meet up in HK, okay? You didn't even let me know when you came back to Vancouver. -___-

(Why not read the UK's Guardian? I personally think it's better than the NYT. And if you need HK news in English, That Standard might do. I just can't stand the Chinese newspapers in HK and I have been reading The Standard, ever since SCMP's stunt all those years ago. -__-)

At 9:35 a.m., Blogger Cosmic Ocean said...

Hey, while you're at it, link my blog too please!

You need all the allies you can get to fight the commies!

At 9:59 p.m., Blogger krazykrankyken said...

Hey Vince, I'll link your site when I'm not feeling too lazy to figure out how.

Hen, do let me know why you're not moving to Beijing. As for Vancouver, I didn't see ANYONE in Vancouver.

At 11:45 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I hold with u! That's age discrimination! haha~


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