Thursday, January 12, 2006


In the last few days, the New York Times has been reporting on a dramatic rise in the number of people with diabetes, with one in eight adult New Yorkers now afflicted.

Honestly, I was scared shitless when I read that some diabetics go blind, that some lose limbs to amputation, and of course, there's the heart disease, etc. An old buddy of mine who's now studying medicine is a bit annoyed that I wasn't alarmed when he warned me about diabetes several weeks ago, but that I'd be alarmed the New York Times. And the thing is, he told me that many diabetics could no longer have sex! No longer have sex??!! MY GOD! Who would I be without my fuck-stick?? While I do anticipate some equipment failure and a drop in sex drive later in life, I'd hate for my tool to be defective while my sex drive is still high.

I should be scared, very scared, because I have a family history of diabetes. I guess you could also say that I'm obese. How many 5'8" guys do YOU know weigh 220lbs? Oh, yesterday, I was 223lbs. Damn. What makes this worse is that I have a serious sweet tooth too.

I'm damned glad I don't live in the US and have to deal with "the byzantine world of American health care, in which the real profit is made not by controlling chronic diseases like diabetes but by treating their many complications" (like amputation!). However, I'm not sure how treatment is in Canada or Hong Kong, or in China if I choose to live there later.

In the last few months, I've started to exercise somewhat consistently (but not last month, when the badminton courts were closed for exams). It seems that's the easy part. The harder part will be changing my diet. Cutting down on sweets really isn't easy. Watching what I eat won't be easy either. But whenever in doubt, I just have to ask myself if I want to be able to make love when I'm 40.


At 7:10 p.m., Blogger Cosmic Ocean said...

See? Why doesn't the Canadian Diabetes Association (or whatever your local diabetes NGO is) bring this up during Diabetes Awareness Week!? I'm scared shitless from that too. It's either abstain or go out with a bang! Who wouldn't snap up those diabetes brochures after hearing that?

My dad has diabetes, and the poor guy has to prick his finger several times a day to check his blood glucose level. It's such a pain. But no sex really takes the cake (erotic cake, that is).

Ugh, I cross-wired sex and parents. **SHIVER** Then again, I wouldn't be here without it.

At 12:19 a.m., Blogger Triple D said...

kill the sweets man. it aint too hard after u get over the initial cravings.

my Dad had diabetes as well, and when it got serious he had to diet, went from 180lbs to 150lbs... Drastic.

be preventative so u dont have to amputate ur cock later

At 12:47 a.m., Blogger krazykrankyken said...

Haha, cross-wired.. yeah, scary. Fortunately, I've always been insulated from that part of my parents' relationship.

Don, your dad weighed only 180lbs? Blimey. He was so much bigger than me, size-wise.

At 5:28 a.m., Blogger Cosmic Ocean said...

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At 5:30 a.m., Blogger Cosmic Ocean said...

Yup. My mom says to cut the sucrose too, to which she adds, "Don't end up like your dad." Now I'm sure some of you have heard THAT from your matriarch. No? Just me?

But...I must...see what's inside...that Kinder Surprise...

At 11:05 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

S E X, this 3 letter word works better than any amount of nagging & warning from your mom. I guess that's called effective communication.

At 6:55 a.m., Blogger krazykrankyken said...

Damn, but I LOVE carbs, especially rice and bread. Not as big on pasta, but I do indulge once in a while.

Have started to do more cardio lately. Once I shed some pounds, I'll do even more cardio. It's hard to run at this weight. Hey guys, is it possible to get knee transplant surgery? I'd like stronger knees.

At 1:45 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

IMO, jogging/ brisk walk is better than running especially in HK because you can't get into a rhythm when the road is crowded and there is a red light every 10 feet. Plus, there is less risk of hurting your knee.


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