Monday, March 19, 2007

Such nice weather, for a change

The weather has been incredibly nice in the last couple of weeks, with the exception of a couple of very hot and muggy days. I'm surprised that it's been so cool after experiencing some rather unseasonably warm days in January and February. I really don't know how long this wonderful weather will last, but I'll savour every bit of it while it does.

The weather I've been enjoying here lately reminds me of the sort of weather I enjoyed in Vancouver. April and September are my favourite months in Vancouver. It's just perfect during these months - not too hot, not too cold, and not too wet. When out in the sun, one feels quite warm, but never hot. It can be quite cool in the shade, and while shorts and a t-shirt will suffice in the afternoon, you'd need to wear a light jacket and long pants in the evenings. And though it rains in Vancouver year-round, there is significantly less rain in April and September than in the more dreary days of late autumn, winter, and early spring.

September is nice because we finally get some relief from the summer heat (bear in mind that while Vancouver's summers are not considered hot, air conditioning is not very common in Vancouver). July and August can get quite hot, perhaps hotter and hotter every year (thanks, global warming), yet the difference in temperature between early September and late September is quite dramatic. It can still be quite warm in the afternoon, but as evening approaches, the air becomes crisp, perfect weather for strolling. In the morning, the dew on the grass becomes heavier and heavier, and is still many weeks away from becoming frost. And in the final days of September, the first of the falling autumn leaves appear on the ground.

April is nice because we finally get some relief from the chilly, windy, and wet Vancouver winter. It can still be a bit windy, but I've always liked the wind in Vancouver, which is not only much cleaner than the wind elsewhere, but which sometimes carries the sweet smell of flowers or the distinctive scent of needles of coniferous trees. It's still a bit wet in April, but only half as wet as the winter (though still twice as wet as the summer). It's still a bit too cold to sunbathe on the beach, but it's definitely warm enough to go hiking, to stroll on a beach, and to dine al fresco. As I grow older, I've come to appreciate the beauty of the flowers that blossom in the spring.. well, except for the hay fever all that pollen causes.

While I suffer in the humid, sub-tropical climate in Hong Kong and Taipei and the dry, dusty, and sub-toxic air in Beijing, I long for the "clean" and mild weather of Vancouver. Yet, as I have been reminded in the last couple of weeks, there are still some perfect days I can still enjoy here.


At 1:22 p.m., Blogger Triple D said...

Any plans of visiting Vancouver anytime soon? I'll be there this month 19th-22nd.


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